The Podolskiy Method: Parenting an athlete
There is no roadmap for parenting. No "one size fits all". Together we will learn what works and what does not work. Join and listen to doctors, coaches, athletes, parents, and many other guests of all walks of life. Lets take "parenting an athlete" to the next level and give them the right tools for the job.
The Podolskiy Method: Parenting an athlete
Episode 51: Hank Levin
I am back with another episode with an amazing guest and a wonderful coach Hank Levin. Hank owns a hockey school and has been providing coaching experience to athletes from professional to recreational levels of all ages. His school also includes clinics, holiday camps, spring teams, pond tournaments, and summer camp.
Hank's approach to coaching is unique and focuses on details. He motivates his athletes on and off the ice through the principles of being humble and grateful while exemplifying hard work and dedication. Listen to this show to learn about Hank's journey and how he now shares that with the athletic community.
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